The ship of the Prophet Nuh alaihissalam: Discovery and Relics of the Prophets and the Messenger of Allah


Relics of the Prophets and the Messenger of Allah

In Islam, the figures of prophets and apostles are known. They mediate the revelation of Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala.


Islam itself teaches its people to know the 25 prophets and messengers of Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala. Each figure is described in the holy verses of the Koran.


As for the evidence of the presence of the prophets and apostles, a number of relics were also found. This corresponds to various stories or narrations.


The existence of the prophets in ancient times can be traced through the books that explain the various stories of his life. In addition, we can trace the relics of the Prophets that still exist today. These are 7 relics of the Prophets that shocked the world and even became the target of archaeologists


            1.      The ship of the Prophet Nuh alaihissalam

As Muslims, of course, we know the story of the people of Prophet Noah Alaihissallam who were drowned by Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala due to their denial of His revelation.


Narrated Noah Alaihissallam and a number of believers survived because they were ordered to build a giant ship.


Scientists had revealed a horrendous discovery that the remains of the giant ship of the Prophet Noah Alaihissallam were said to have been found at an altitude of 13,000 feet on a mountain in Turkey.


A group of researchers from China belonging to Noah's Ark Ministries International announced in April 2010 that they had found the remains of the US Noah's boat at an altitude of 4,000 m on Mount Agri or Mount Ararat in eastern Turkey. The researchers also managed to get into the boat and take photos of some of the specimens. After investigation, the specimen they took was 4,800 years old and it was in perfect agreement with what was described in history. The 15 researchers also exhibited a number of ship fossils thought to have come from the US Noah's ship, such as mines, nails, and wood fragments.

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            2.      The Ark of the Covenant of Prophet Musa Alaihissalam

When Prophet Musa Alaihissalam managed to survive the pursuit of Pharaoh and his army, he was said to be imprisoned in a cave before finally receiving a revelation in the form of the Torah.


One of the archaeologists named Ron Wyatt claimed to have found the Ark of the Covenant of the Prophet Musa Alaihissalam in Jeremiah Cave, Israel, in line with the findings allegedly related to the Pharaoh's kingdom.


            3.      The Palace of the Prophet Daud Alaihissalam

The kingdom of the Prophet Daud Alaihissalam is claimed to be one of the strongest that has ever existed on earth.


Archaeologist from Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel claims he has found two large buildings that were once occupied by a king. The building is the palace of King David (Prophet Daud Alaihissalam) as has been narrated in a number of holy books, such as the Qur'an and the Bible.


The discovery has gone through a very long process. For almost a year the archaeologist excavated a site believed to be the Fortress City of Judea in Shaarayim, a place where Prophet Daud AS defeated the formidable warrior King Goliath and finally Prophet Daud Alaihissalam defeated him with just a catapult.


            4.      Discovery of Pharaoh's Chariot Parts


In the story, it is explained that Prophet Musa Alaihissalam was chased by Pharaoh's army to the Red Sea and with the help of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala then with his stick Prophet Musa Alaihissalam was able to split the ocean and also eliminate Pharaoh's army in an instant. In 1998 ago.


An archaeologist named Ron Wyatt claims he has found several carcasses of ancient chariot wheels in a Red Sea village which he suspects belong to the Pharaohs. In addition to finding the carcass of a chariot wheel, Wyatt and several research teams also found several human bones and horse bones in the same place.


Another discovery that Wyatt got was the discovery of the wheel axle of one of the horse-drawn carriages which had been covered in rock and also found a wheel with four spokes made of gold. These findings further strengthen the notion that the remains of these skeletons are part of the skeleton of the chariot of Pharaoh's army that sank in the Red Sea.


            5.      The soles of the feet of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam

Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu Alaihi Wasallam experienced a phenomenal event, namely Israk Mikraj from Makkah to Masjidil Aqsa in Baitul Maqdis, then to Sidratul Muntaha in the Seventh Heaven. The journey enshrined in the Qur'an resulted in the command of prayer to the people of the Prophet Muhammad.


On the way, it is narrated that the soles of his feet left marks on the stone. Foot prints on the stone were then separated and stored in a different place. The two footprints are kept in the Topkapi Palace and the other in the Al Aqsa Mosque complex.


            6.      The robe of the Prophet sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam

Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam is a noble human being as well as an example for Muslims around the world. Even though he died hundreds of years ago, the teachings of Islam spread by him still leave a very noticeable imprint on our lives.


Not only in the form of teachings. His traces are also in the form of objects that he used to keep and care for with all his heart. One of them is a cream-colored robe belonging to the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu Alaihi Wasallam made of silk, cotton, and linen. In addition, there is also a sandal called a tumble which was used by the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam.


Terompah itself is footwear made of cowhide and tied using two ropes. The sandals were a silent witness to his struggles during the Isra Mi'raj incident and also several wars.

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