Indeed Islam glorifies a woman with high honour, whether as a daughter, wife, mother, or sister.

Women are creatures who play an important role in life, because women are half of the people who give birth to the other half. The Qur'an has mentioned several women who played an important role in the history of Humanity.


The Qur'an speaks of believing women who came to the Messenger of Allah to make allegiance or emigration, as in Surah al-Mumtahanah (Women being Tested) 13 verses. This happens because women play a central role in people's lives. Therefore the enemies of Islam are always trying to destroy women in various ways.


Ummu Al-Mundzir Bint Qais RA  Good Aunt


Ummu Al-Mundzir Bint Qais RA was one of the aunts of the Prophet Muhammad from the mother's side, she was Salma bint Qais bin Amr bin Ubaid. Umm Al-Mindzir is the sister of Sulaith bin Qais who took part in the battles of Badr, Uhud, Khandaq, and all wars with the Messenger of Allah. He is one of the heroes of the famous "bridge war" with Abu Ubaidah, he died as a martyr in this war in 14H and left no descendants.


Ummu Al-Mundzir was included in the ranks of women who took the pledge of allegiance to the Prophet Muhammad. His Bai'at has a story that he tells himself. He says;


"I came to the Messenger of Allah, and I and the women of the Ansar pledged allegiance to him, when he decreed for us not to associate anything with Allah, not to steal, not to commit adultery, not to kill our children, not to tell lies that we fabrication between our hands and feet, and did not disobey him in goodness, he added, "Do not deceive your husbands." So we pledged allegiance to him (on top of that) then we dispersed. I said to a woman from us, 'Please come back and ask the Messenger of Allah what is the purpose of deceiving her husband?' So the woman asked him, then he replied, 'He took his husband's property and then gave it to someone else.'” (Narrated by Ahmad in Al-Musnad, 6/380, 432).


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This woman friend has a special position with the Messenger of Allah. The Prophet Muhammad saw him specially, ate at his house and declared that his food brought blessings and benefits. Ummu Al-Mundzir Radhiyallahu Anhu said,


“The Messenger of Allah visited me with Ali who had just recovered from illness. At that time we had bunches of young dates hanging, so the Messenger of Allah stood up and said to Ali RA, 'No, you have just recovered.' Until Ali Radhiyallahu Anhu stopped (eating). I made wheat porridge and tubers, then I brought them, then the Messenger of Allah said, 'O Ali, eat this, it is more beneficial for you'." (Narrated by Ahmad in Al-Musnad, 6/364.)


Among the descendants of this noble friend's woman is that she announced her ba'at to the Messenger of Allah for the second time, because of that she was called Mubayi'ah al-Bai'atain. This Bai'at took place under the Bai'at ar-Ridhwan tree in 6 H, when the polytheists of Makkah arrested Uthman bin Affan RA, the Messenger of Allah invited his companions to take allegiance, as Allah commanded. So Umm al-Mundzir rushed to pledge allegiance with some of the companion women that they were ready to die (to defend Islam). With that he is included in the words of the Prophet,


"No one will go to hell under a tree." (Narrated by Al-Bukhari and At-Thirmidhi).


May Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala be pleased with Umm al-Mundzir and make his Ridha.

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