3 Jinn Incarnate Animals That Can Be Killed In Islam

Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh, In Islam, the Prophet Muhammad shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam recommended killing some animals that have certain characteristics which in their physical form and behavior are not like animals in general. Jinn incarnate animals are animals that are used as intermediaries by Satan to tempt humans, so that is the reason why these animals are recommended to be killed. Want to know what these animals are ? let's see more below.

1. Black Cat

Not all black cats are incarnations of jinn, but there is one of all black cats that has the characteristics mentioned by a Muslim Jin named Mustafa that usually black cats are incarnations of jinn, the cat has the following characteristics:

“Black cats are usually demons. While the other colors, may also be the incarnation of jinn, especially female genies who are very happy to appear in the form of beautiful cats or white ones."

Read More : 9 relics of the Prophet Muhammad

2. snake

Snakes are the most feared animal by most humans, because they are very dangerous and some types of snakes have very deadly venom. In addition, snakes are also often entered by Jin as their residence. However, keep in mind that not all snakes are incarnations of jinn, but there are some of them that are incarnations of jinn.


Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam said in a hadith narrated by Imam Bukhari as follows:


From Ibn Umar radhiyallahu anhu when he heard the Messenger of Allah preaching and said "Kill the snake, kill dzu aththifyatayn and al-Abtar, because the two animals shoot out their eyes and abort the womb."

In Sahih Al-Bukhariy it is narrated that the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam ordered his companions to kill snakes, and after that forbade killing snakes that inhabit the house, because they are the jinn who live in the house.


Whereas in Fat-h Al-Bariy Ibn Hajar said, that the Messenger of Allah sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said "Kill dzu ath-thifyatayn, 'is a snake that has two white lines on its back."


Ibn Abd Al-Barr said, "It is said that, dzu ath-thifyatayn is a type of snake that has two white lines on its back, while al-Abtar is a stump snake or does not have a tail"


3. Dog

Almost all djinn manifest themselves as dogs, but not all dogs are djinn. However, there are several types of dogs that are believed to be the incarnation of the genie. This type of dog usually has a plain black color and has two white circles above his eyes. This is what is explained by the Muslim Jin from India named Mustafa, this genie gives the following explanation:


"Overall it is a collection of one type of jinn. However, the jet black one with two white circles above its two eyes, is a very evil genie that can be killed. If you see a dog like that, don't let it. Just kill it."


And from the hadith of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi Wasallam narrated from Ibn Az-Zubair, and from Jabir bin Abdullah:

The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi Wasallam ordered us to kill dogs, until a woman came from the village with her dog, which we killed Then the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi Wasallam forbade us to kill a dog saying, 'Kill the jet black one with two white dots (above its eyes). ), because he is a devil."


(This hadith is takhrij by Muslim in his Sahih. This hadith is a proof for the command to kill dogs in general. Then this command was abolished (mansukh) and devoted to jet black dogs, because he is a devil).


Those are the 3 animals incarnated by the jinn as explained by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi Wasallam. The creation of the jinn incarnate certainly has a purpose and purpose, one of which is so that we as humans have vigilance and do not ask for help or assistance from anyone other than Allah Subhanahu wa ta 'ala.