What is Zuhud? Characteristics of a person having the nature of Zuhud

Zuhud was a simple and not adventurous person in the world. He is always calm and good at being grateful. Hermits are always easy to love. If he is a poor person, then many people come to donate his wealth, and if he is a material person and his social status is high, then people will come to glorify and respect him.


To be zuhud is not easy. It takes sincerity of heart and acceptance of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala gift. But that doesn't mean we can't be Zuhud.


One example of a person who is zahid (a zuhud person) is the prophet Muhammad and his family. And here are the characteristics of zuhud people that can be seen in life.

Read More : Kisah Utsman bin Affan Menjadi Khalifah


1. Good character in socializing

A person who is zuhud can also be seen from his morals when socializing with his environment. People who are zuhud have good morals towards fellow humans and other living creatures. People who are zuhud also show the characteristics of a kind-hearted person and do not like to be envious and being zuhud is also one way to become a good person.


2. Leaving the pleasures of the world

What is meant by leaving the pleasures of this world is not to be complacent with the pleasures of this world so as to forget the more lasting pleasures in the hereafter. A person is willing to leave the pleasures that he gets in this world by trying to improve himself to the right path and prefers to multiply the deeds of worship.


3. Not greedy

People who are liked by Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala are people who are not greedy for something and can keep their distance from the world. So people who are zuhud will not act greedy and greedy in the world both in terms of wealth and power.


4. Be i'tidal

Being i'tidal is a concept of zuhud according to the prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam, where human attitudes are in the middle. Where the attitude of humans who work diligently and diligently in the world seems to live forever, and also works for the hereafter earnestly as if they will die tomorrow. The parable above can describe the attitude of humans who do not stay away from the world but are also not complacent by the world.


5. Knowing that the hereafter is more eternal

Other characteristics of zuhud people are having knowledge about the life of this world which is only temporary, and knowing that the hereafter is far more eternal. That way he is better prepared for his life in the hereafter by doing acts of worship and goodness. People who are zuhud also know the purpose of life according to Islam.


6. Love and obey Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala

People who are zuhud will instill their love for Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala by being obedient and obedient to the commands of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. The pleasures of the world that he enjoys do not make him forget to be grateful and obedient to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala and also do not forget about his afterlife.


7. Live in simplicity

People who are zuhud will choose to live in simplicity. Although he has a lot of wealth, but his way of life does not show luxury. He will try to live as it is and mediocre and not excessive in using his wealth. Those of you who also want to be zuhud can start by avoiding the nature of riya who likes to show off and boast about what they have to others.