Wife's Practice So That Her Husband's Sustenance Is Smooth

Behind a great husband, there is a great and pious wife who always supports him. This also applies in terms of reaping sustenance from God, you know, Moms. Even though you are a housewife, that doesn't mean you can't contribute to your husband's income. There are several good qualities of a wife that can make husband's sustenance smooth and flowing. Let's know these traits.

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Donate alms

Giving charity will not reduce our sustenance, but instead multiply it. Remember, the sustenance we receive is not entirely ours, because some belong to people in need. Whatever sustenance you receive from your husband, set aside some for those in need, because from there your husband's sustenance will be smoother and flowing.


The wife's practice so that the husband's sustenance runs smoothly is actually a form of gratitude to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala and is a noble practice. Because actually, what is given by the husband is the sustenance given by Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

A shalihah wife must be grateful for what her husband gets, either a little or more than enough. Never force your will or indulge your passions. Don't let the sustenance you get is not halal because you just want to satisfy your lust.

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Increase Istighfar

The sentence of istighfar can be a magnet to attract sustenance. Because Allah will forgive all the sins and mistakes of those who always make istighfar. Increasing istighfar is also the key to achieving a blessed sustenance.

Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says:

(10) لْتُ اسْتَغْفِرُوا انَ ارًا

(11) لِ السَّمَاءَ لَيْكُمْ ارًا

(12) الٍ لْ لَكُمْ اتٍ لْ لَكُمْ ارًا

"So I said to them, Ask forgiveness from your Lord, indeed He is Forgiving, surely He will send heavy rain on you, increase your wealth and children, provide for you gardens and provide (also in it) rivers for you. ." (QS Noah: 10-12).

Always Pray for Husband

The prayer of two people who love each other for the sake of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala will certainly be answered. Praying for your husband in all conditions will be the wife's practice so that the husband's sustenance is smooth and a blessing. Praying for your husband to stay healthy mentally and physically, will certainly launch his husband's efforts to earn a living.

Asking Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala to always protect her husband wherever he is with resignation and sincerity, will bring rewards and blessings in his sustenance.

Avoid fighting as much as possible

Although the household will not be separated from problems, it is better to avoid conflict. Because, fighting will only fuel anger and erode solutions. If you have to get into a fight, be patient and stay calm.


According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary, tawakal is surrendering oneself to the will of Allah and believing wholeheartedly in Allah. God will bless a wife who puts her trust in, who surrenders herself to wait for the results of her husband's hard work, who supports her husband to work for God. Believe me, no effort is in vain and no trial is given beyond the capacity of His people.

Don't forget to keep praying for your husband, so that Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala always gives the best way from every problem that is being faced.

Those are some of the wife's practices so that the husband's sustenance runs smoothly. Let's do the wife's practice so that the husband's sustenance is smooth so that this dream family is always given blessings.

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